Mokyklos prezidento žmogžudyste 2008

Comedy Crime Mystery

At a Catholic high school, the popular girl teams up with a sophomore newspaper reporter to investigate a case of stolen SAT exams. Once the duo target their suspects, a larger conspiracy is unearthed.

All Titles
  • US: Assassination of a High School President Assassination of a High School President
  • BR: Provas e Trapaças Provas e Trapaças
  • CA: L'assassinat du président de l'école L'assassinat du président de l'école
  • HR: Atentat na predsjednika gimnazije Atentat na predsjednika gimnazije
  • HR: Zavjera Zavjera
  • CZ: Atentát na strední Atentát na strední
  • EU: The High School Conspiracy The High School Conspiracy
  • FI: The High School Conspiracy The High School Conspiracy
  • FI: Salaliitto high schoolissa Salaliitto high schoolissa
  • FR: Assassinat d'un Président Assassinat d'un Président
  • DE: Lange Beine, kurze Lügen (und ein Fünkchen Wahrheit...) Lange Beine, kurze Lügen (und ein Fünkchen Wahrheit...)
  • DE: Lange Beine, kurze Lügen Lange Beine, kurze Lügen
  • GR: Skandala sto lykeio Skandala sto lykeio
  • HU: Merénylet a suligóré ellen Merénylet a suligóré ellen
  • IT: The Assassination - Al centro del complotto The Assassination - Al centro del complotto
  • NL: The Assassination The Assassination
  • NO: High school: Løgn og konspirasjon High school: Løgn og konspirasjon
  • NO: The high school conspiracy The high school conspiracy
  • PL: Szkola zgorszenia Szkola zgorszenia
  • PT: O Mistério dos Exames Roubados O Mistério dos Exames Roubados
  • RU: Убийство школьного президента Убийство школьного президента
  • RS: Ubistvo predsednika srednje škole Ubistvo predsednika srednje škole
  • ES: La conspiración La conspiración
  • SE: The High School Conspiracy The High School Conspiracy
  • TR: Lise Atesi Lise Atesi
  • UA: The Assassination The Assassination
  • US: The Sophomore The Sophomore
Released 08 Apr 2010
Links IMDb
